Monday 12 May 2014

Who to Invite to The Summer Show in London

As I have made new connections and gained new experiences, the main group of people that I wish to invite will be organisations such as Plymouth City Museum and Gallery which will be showing the work that I have contributed to the White Horse Hill project, the Records Office, the Cornwall Records Office, people from the National Trust who I've worked with and possibly the National Portrait Gallery. I want my work to be seen mostly by people with interest in history and portraiture as my current project is about the history of St Lawrences, with portraits of the people who used to work there telling their story. This can also relate to people who have worked in a similar environment that has been demolished or converted, with memories of that place still relevant to them.

I will also be talking about my landscape work as I have put some of the images from my last project in the catalog that we have made to show what I am interested in photographing, as I am enjoy photographing historical landscapes and visiting new places with a strong story behind them. By doing this I am showing that I can shoot portraits and landscape, that means I am diverse in how I can show my ideas as although I enjoy historical landscapes I can still show the history of a place through the people that are still connected to it. It is important for me to show these pieces of work as it is something that I am passionate about and hope to carry on through possible funding and confidence as I challenge myself more to do new things that are out of my comfort zone.

More of my work is visible here at my newly furbished website

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