Saturday 3 May 2014

Contribution to Fundraising

To help with fundraising for the summer show, I have helped out with the pub quiz by contributing questions and by greeting people as they arrived. I’ve also done a few hours at the shop that we had in Drakes Circus alongside recently donating items to the jumble sale that we had in the lecture theatre. In regards to the promotion of fundraising I passed on the Kick-starter to as many people as I could, telling friends and family about it whilst promoting it on my Facebook page and Twitter to get as much attention as possible. As a collective we managed to go over our target but at times it felt like we weren’t going to make it as the days kept going by with little activity, if we were to do a Kick-starter again I think that we should have a lower target so that there isn’t as much distress if we don’t meet our target so close to the end date. 

For the planning and organisation of the exhibition I am on the design team, meaning that I can contribute ideas towards how we can lay out people’s work in regards to who can go next to whom and what works well together to get the best flow of work. I think that I can contribute more to this team as I’m more confident in organising work than contacting new people as I sometimes struggle to get my point across. I have good organisational skills as I’ve helped to layout an exhibition before and have a clear idea of what can work where. The next fundraising event is the gig night that will be happening at the Voodoo Lounge on Friday, which has been organised through students getting hold of bands and a venue that is local. The promotion has involved posters around the college along with a Facebook event to get more people to come to our event. This event will go well as it is the day after people’s hand-ins, so they will be wanting to celebrate. Also having it at a local bar with local bands helps them out as they gain advertisement and new fans. 

Through different ways such as events and e-mails to companies the summer show has been promoted well and will continue to be promoted right up until it happens. I will continue to pass on events and information to whoever I can in regards to the show, as the more people that know the better as this can lead to more interest and possible clients. As I am part of the design team I will be attending meetings to organise the work that will be shown in the exhibition as well as helping towards how peoples work should be shown as some want to be shown with a projection whilst others want to be simply framed and mounted. I have contributed a good amount to the fundraising in regards to ideas and help towards advertising events.

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