Monday 12 May 2014

Final Evaluation for PDP

Through this project I have increased my online presence and achieved more confidence in myself through meeting new people and gaining volunteer work with the National Trust. I have re-created my website through 4ormat that looks professional and something that I am happy for my clients to view. I have also enjoyed working with the college on the White Horse Hill project which has had a large input into new work that I have produced, relating to landscape photography that I am interested in photographing. By challenging myself to do new things that I wouldn’t do I have become more confident in where I want my work to go and the direction that I want to go in regards to possible work. As I am interested in historical landscapes and how man has changed it over time, I will continue contacting museums and working with the National Trust as they are one of the most influential contacts that I’ve made in relation to how I want to work in the future.

I think that my skills in promotion and creating an online presence have improved the most, as I have been keeping up to date with my blog and have successfully created a strong website that highlights the best of my abilities. I am happy with the contacts that I have made through my FMP work as well as my volunteer work for the National Trust, as I am able to carry on the St Lawrence’s project after the exhibition as I want to photograph more people so create more awareness of the building and its history. I think that I could have pursued a wider range of people to create work to get a stronger presence and more work that I can show on my website. I also could have created my website sooner so as to make my online presence better as I could continue to add more work to it. I will continue to write in my blog as I want to keep a record of the work that I do and I will be showing people what I am interested in that may lead to possible clients.

If I were to do this project again I would push myself further to make connections and work to show my best abilities as a photographer. I would also work on my website earlier so as to add more work and to refine it more to get as much out of it as I can. As I have become more confident in myself, I have been able to contact new people and gain volunteer work that I pushed myself to go for as that is the area of photography that I want to work in. Continuing to make work and write on my blog my online profile will be current and hopefully won’t stagnate as I pass my work onto more people who could be interested in what I do. I would also research into other website designers to see what can work best for me, as 4ormat is the easiest to use but there may be others that I’ve missed that can offer similar services whilst still having a strong presence and easy to use system.

Who to Invite to The Summer Show in London

As I have made new connections and gained new experiences, the main group of people that I wish to invite will be organisations such as Plymouth City Museum and Gallery which will be showing the work that I have contributed to the White Horse Hill project, the Records Office, the Cornwall Records Office, people from the National Trust who I've worked with and possibly the National Portrait Gallery. I want my work to be seen mostly by people with interest in history and portraiture as my current project is about the history of St Lawrences, with portraits of the people who used to work there telling their story. This can also relate to people who have worked in a similar environment that has been demolished or converted, with memories of that place still relevant to them.

I will also be talking about my landscape work as I have put some of the images from my last project in the catalog that we have made to show what I am interested in photographing, as I am enjoy photographing historical landscapes and visiting new places with a strong story behind them. By doing this I am showing that I can shoot portraits and landscape, that means I am diverse in how I can show my ideas as although I enjoy historical landscapes I can still show the history of a place through the people that are still connected to it. It is important for me to show these pieces of work as it is something that I am passionate about and hope to carry on through possible funding and confidence as I challenge myself more to do new things that are out of my comfort zone.

More of my work is visible here at my newly furbished website

Thursday 8 May 2014

Making an AboutMe Profile and My Free Range

Through creating my AboutMe page I am hoping to get a bit more attention and recognition for my work that could lead to possible clients and future work. I have chosen to show work that highlights my interests and main ideas that are present in my images.

Here is my profile for the Free Range exhibition that will be happening in London, along with my peers my work is visible under Plymouth College of art which is easy to navigate too. Being with other people shows how varied the work is from the college, which can draw more people in.

And this is my ABoutMe page, that has a bio about me and my work, with a few images showing what I am interested in photographing. The text is easy to read, with links to my blog, twitter and Linkedin page for people to see and get in touch with me through.

Re-making My Website

After going over my original website, I decided to make a new one to update my pictures and to make it accessible for people to get to as the previous site wasn't as clear to navigate as I would have liked and felt that it didn't look as professional. I chose to go with  4ormat as my peers had used it and mentioned how simple it was to use with links to social media, one of my favorite features is that it can be viewed on a tablet or mobile phone meaning that I can check how it's working on my own phone while I'm on the move. In this post I have included a few screen shots of how I managed my work with information on why I chose those images.


In this section I have selected which images from my times on Dartmoor I wanted to show, as I enjoy visiting the moors and felt that I should include that as separate section as I have a lot of images from projects and my own work. The most recent images I have put at the front of the section to keep people interested and up to date, showing images from the White Horse Hill project that I am currently working on.

The next section that I have looked into is portraiture, as my most current project that will be shown in London is portraiture based. This section is one of the smaller ones which I am going to expand over time as I gain more confidence in myself with meeting new people and photographing them. I am hoping to carry on the St Lawrences project after the final hand in because I think that I could try to get more people and possibly show my work in a space in Bodmin where the previous workers are based.

This page is the first page that people will see when they look at my website, I wanted so showcase the best of my landscape pictures as I want to continue working in landscape photography. Having a mix of different work shows the different skills that I have alongside the different interests that influence my pictures. Along with these pages there is a page dedicated to my National Trust work and a page named Other, that has some of my film images alongside pictures that I have taken that don't fit into the other categories. There is also a about me page and a contact page for people to get in touch with me if they want to know anything about my work or possible clients.

Here is the link to my new fully running website

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Images From White Horse Hill

After a very long trek and almost falling into the marshes, I have edited my images from just under 700 to about 30. Below I have put a selection of what I think are the best out of that small bunch to highlight the different parts of the Moors that caught my attention the most. Being up at such a height it indescribable, as you are able to see so much of the countryside and the surrounding area that it can make you feel small in comparison. I have tried to show this in my images by drawing attention to the way that the land flows and the dominate clouds that threatened to rain any second. There are more images from this series on my website

The Cist itself was something to be admired, as it has survived for such a long time and looked to be in really good condition. To be able to take picture of it and to see it myself I count myself very lucky as not everybody gets to see something like that up close and personal. The images below show the Cist in it's natural setting which emphasizes it's surroundings.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Contribution to Fundraising

To help with fundraising for the summer show, I have helped out with the pub quiz by contributing questions and by greeting people as they arrived. I’ve also done a few hours at the shop that we had in Drakes Circus alongside recently donating items to the jumble sale that we had in the lecture theatre. In regards to the promotion of fundraising I passed on the Kick-starter to as many people as I could, telling friends and family about it whilst promoting it on my Facebook page and Twitter to get as much attention as possible. As a collective we managed to go over our target but at times it felt like we weren’t going to make it as the days kept going by with little activity, if we were to do a Kick-starter again I think that we should have a lower target so that there isn’t as much distress if we don’t meet our target so close to the end date. 

For the planning and organisation of the exhibition I am on the design team, meaning that I can contribute ideas towards how we can lay out people’s work in regards to who can go next to whom and what works well together to get the best flow of work. I think that I can contribute more to this team as I’m more confident in organising work than contacting new people as I sometimes struggle to get my point across. I have good organisational skills as I’ve helped to layout an exhibition before and have a clear idea of what can work where. The next fundraising event is the gig night that will be happening at the Voodoo Lounge on Friday, which has been organised through students getting hold of bands and a venue that is local. The promotion has involved posters around the college along with a Facebook event to get more people to come to our event. This event will go well as it is the day after people’s hand-ins, so they will be wanting to celebrate. Also having it at a local bar with local bands helps them out as they gain advertisement and new fans. 

Through different ways such as events and e-mails to companies the summer show has been promoted well and will continue to be promoted right up until it happens. I will continue to pass on events and information to whoever I can in regards to the show, as the more people that know the better as this can lead to more interest and possible clients. As I am part of the design team I will be attending meetings to organise the work that will be shown in the exhibition as well as helping towards how peoples work should be shown as some want to be shown with a projection whilst others want to be simply framed and mounted. I have contributed a good amount to the fundraising in regards to ideas and help towards advertising events.