Tuesday 5 August 2014

Royal Naval Hospital Stonehouse

The Royal Naval Hospital in Plymouth was built opposite Stonehouse Creek in 1791 during the 7 years war. It was intended to be primarily accessible by water. The building of the hospital began in 1758 and was completed in 1762. Extra blocks were added in 1905 to house 'lunatics' and alcholics with the blocks being numbered which was changed to names and letters in 1924. Within each block the wards were numbered 1, 2 or 3. The quadrangle in the main part of the hospital was detached from over wards to stop the spread of infection.

Haslar Royal Naval Navy Hospital
Royal Naval Hospital, Stonehouse, Plymouth

The hospital has been converted into housing with Devonport School For Boys at the rear of the site, the quadrangle is still in place with the majority of the original buildings as it is Grade 2 listed. The extra blocks are that were used for housing 'lunatics' have also been converted into housing. The hospital is now called Millfields.

Front Left Wing, Stonehouse, Plymouth

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