Tuesday 19 August 2014

Final Evaluation and Next Steps

Overall I am happy that I my images reflect the main ideas behind my project. The images show the change in purpose of these mental institutions but some are still in use and how the main structure of the hospitals are still there without need for demolition. I think that these are stronger images as the focus is on the buildings that stand out against a plain background. I have learnt more about these places which has lead me to interesting places that I hadn't been to before creating new opportunities to keep the project going.

If I were to do this project again I would explore a wider range of areas as I want to continue taking pictures of these places to make a strong series. I would also research into different artists to get a better understanding of what is out there in regards to what artists work is similar to mine so that I am able to get recent inspiration to make my work more current and contemporary. Planning out where I want to go in advance is also important as I will have more time at the places and I will be able to do more research.

I will now be focusing on getting my work seen by people that are interested in my images and continuing my volunteer work with the National Trust. I will be attending the private view of the White Horse Hill exhibition in Plymouth Museum and Art Gallery that is happening in September, which will be help me to network and gain some interest which can lead to work as I am interested in working with the museum. I will also continue to look for photography jobs in Cornwall so that I am still able to take images.

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