Friday 8 August 2014

Mark Power

Mark Power's work consists of strong elements that draw the viewer into his images. The main focus changes from a set of buildings to a barren wasteland highlighting the change in landscape and how man has affected it. In his series 26 different endings, there is a variation of subject matter that are linked together through a similar theme. The images appear slightly dead pan that emphasizes the lack of human presence, although it is clear that people are in that environment as they have left traces behind in the form of cars, rubbish and graffitti.

148 South, 26 Different Endings, Mark Power

 In this image the eye follows the road from the bottom of the image up through to the top where the houses and sky appear. There is a lack in colour that draws attention to the mundane and emphasizes the emptiness of the houses. Although there aren't any people in the shot there is still a human presence as there is a car just visible near the top of the image and the foliage has been well kept showing that people have been here. Having the sky as a neutral colour keeps the focus on the houses and the feeling of calm as there isn't any movement in the image, it could have been taken during the middle of the day whilst people are working to draw attention to how empty places like these can be.

 6 North, 26 different endings, Mark Power

Unlike the previous image, not all of the buildings appear to be lived in as the house at the back seems to be boarded up. The viewer is led through the image by the road in the center of the image, that is emphasized by the red sign above the road. The red and orange signs are the brightest part of the image that draw attention to how dead pan the buildings are as they are all the same and are rather dull. This image focuses on the mundane of housing estates and how they all look the same as the next one. Keeping the theme of a neutral sky draws the focus to the main subject of the houses.

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