Sunday 7 April 2013

Working with Fotonow

After looking into different places I could find possible work and speaking to lecturers for help, I decided to contact Fotonow. Seeing as I find it hard to contact new people and sometimes struggle with communication around new people I wanted to work on that which lead me to Fotonow. I was interested in their community projects which works with a variety of different people and is a non-profit organisation that focus on visual arts.

Once I had got in contact with them and organised a meeting, we discussed what I was able to do and current projects that they were working on. This lead to me being informed about the project that they are working on which is about the Pannier market and the people who work there. I was given the task of doing picture research for Fotonow which includes looking at photos of when the market was first built and it being built. Plans of the market, possible plans of the original market that was where Drake's Circus is now but was bombed in the Second World War which lead to the building of the Pannier market.

I am currently working in the records office doing picture research for the Pannier market project which I have found very interesting looking at the old documents and photographs of when it was first built and earlier photographs to make a comparison to see that the building itself hasn't changed, but the shops and people have. When I am in the records office again I will be looking at the plans of the market and possible images of the original market if there are any. I will also be reading the emergency minutes to find out more information on the original market and to see if there are any minutes that mention the current Pannier market.

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