Friday 19 April 2013

A Day At Focus

After being to Focus I got a better understanding of what competitors are out there and discovered new photographers that I was very interested in. I was able to see the newest equipment available, at a price, different ways that I could print my images and how I could think about starting up my own business as a freelance photographer and how big the market is. Looking at other colleges and universities I found very interesting as it showed what was available to me should I decide to move away from Plymouth, it also showed the standard of work that we are competing against across the pond.

Listening to different photographers and students talk I felt inspired to improve my work even more and to push myself more to stand out from the crowd and pursue my passion of landscape and Urban Exploration. I listened to Rebecca Litchfield when she did a talk about her images which I was very interested as she is an Urban Explorer and was mainly talking about the equipment that she used and what to look out for when exploring, the part that I was mostly inspired by was her images that she had taken in Chernobyl as it is a place that I've wanted to go to myself since I started studying photography and decided to pursue it as a professional career for a number of years now. Rebecca Litchfield also inspired me in the way that there isn't many female Urban Explorers and to see her going to Chernobyl made me want to push myself harder so that I would be able to go there myself in a few years time to achieve what seems like a life goal that could kick start my career if my images were successful.

I definitely want to go again to next years Focus on Imagery as I feel that I was slightly over-whelmed this time as I wasn't sure what to expect and there was a lot to take in and digest. I found that there was such a wide range of ages and people fascinating as it made a point that photography is such a broad subject and discipline that anyone can learn it and use it. I would also think about possibly investing in new equipment that I could use to improve my photography skills and get the best out of my camera so that I'm not restricted to using the colleges equipment which means that I won't have to worry so much about handing it back, so that I have more freedom to take the pictures that I want.

Rebecca's Blog:

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