Wednesday 24 April 2013

Showing In an Exhibtion

The image that I chose to show in our college exhibition, "The Best So Far", I chose this image out of my finals as I think that this image is the strongest and can be interpreted in different ways which means that it has the biggest selling point. With regards to the exhibition itself I think that it was successful but felt that the space was a bit small at times when it was especially busy.

For my part of the exhibition I helped with the organisation of images and getting hooks needed to hang the images themselves. I also helped with hanging of some images and was a bit meticulous when it came to hanging my image as I was worried about it getting damaged or marks to be made on it which meant that I would have to clean it. At times it was slightly stressful as there was too many people in such a small space at times and sometimes there wasn't enough jobs for people so they left in the afternoon and didn't come back.

I know now for next time to plan my trips home more in advance so that I don't miss out on the exhibition so much as I was only able to work on the first day. I will also look more into when people are helping so that I can help to the best of my ability without being a hindrance and to get a better understanding of what will be put in the exhibition. This exhibition was successful as a wide range of people saw our work which was emphasised by the wide range of work that was on show.

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