Sunday 7 April 2013

Photographing my first christening

For the start of my work based learning I was asked to photograph my cousin's christening. I was unsure as to what to take photographs of as it was my first one and my first paid job. After speaking to my client (my Auntie) I was able to get a list of photographs that she wanted to be taken which lead to me having a clearer idea of what to do and how to incorporate my own ideas in the photographs.

I took photos mostly of family members and my cousin, group portraits and a few images of my cousin with other relatives including myself. As I wasn't able to get as many natural shots as I'd have liked because I wasn't allowed to take photos in the church and of the christening itself. I also would have liked to experiment more with taking natural shots at the reception but felt that there weren't that many people which would mean that the subjects could get lost in the open space. I think that I could have brought a portable flash for in the church after the christening to make the images lighter.

I am currently editing the photos I have take and will be sending a disc to my client to see which photos she wants to print, which I will then do at the college as it is cheaper and the prints can be a decent quality for what you pay. I think that seeing as this was my first paid job it went well, I was able to instruct people clearly on where I wanted them to be and I was able to create some strong images that my client will like. If I were to do this day again I would focus more on capturing people naturally instead of posed and use a portable flash to bring in more light to the image in places.

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