Friday 11 May 2012

Underwater Photography

Underwater photography is self explanitary, due to the fact that it is literally taking photos underwater of a given subject. Underwater photography can be used to document wild life in their natural habitat, it can also document environmental causes like what damage pollution is doing to the reefs and things such as global warming.

This genre of photography can also be used in fashion and portraiture, throw taking images of people and showing clothing in a new way that is different to the normal way of photographing people. This is shown through how the images have an other worldly feel about them, with the subject seeming to be in suspense in their own world, at one with the see. The use of reflections also distorts the subject giving the images an abstract feeling.  This is an example of a photographer that I have discovered recently, he has done a mix of fashion and abstract images.

The downside of choosing this genre is that it is technically challenging and you have to be fully aware of what the subject is doing and their surroundings. You also have to have a very clear idea of what you want to achieve from the shoot, you also have to be able to prepare for the shoot to not go as planned due to weather or the wrong equipment or not being able to use the space needed like with any shoot.
The upside is that you can create a range of punchy unique images that can be hard to recreate, making it stand out against the usual fashion images.

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