Sunday 6 May 2012

5 year plan - what happens next

Next year I will be doing my final year of my foundation degree, I will hope to have had a bit more experience with working with people outside of college and a better confidence in my own work. I will hopefully go abroad to somewhere I haven't been before in the summer to produce more photos for my portfolio.

The year after that I will be doing my BA top up in which I will be participating in the London show that we get to do. I would like to have a final definition of my area of photography that I want to go into as a professional practice, whether that be commercial landscapes to get the money and connections up to become a professional landscape photographer, or become a freelancer so that I can work in different areas if I am still unsure of what area I want to go into.

After that year I will hopefully be going back to china for a month or two once I have the money, to explore the parts that I didn't get a chance to go to and to re-visit the places I went to when I was in school. I will come back to try and find work as a commercial photographer or an assistant so that I can get into photography as a professional practice, I will also show my photos from China on my blog to be seen and hopefully gain interest.

The following year I want to be working as a photographer full time, working with a range of different clients that will take me to different places. I will hopefully have had my own showing of work in a small local exhibition of some sort. I will work on my own ideas outside of doing client based work so that I am generating work for myself even if there isn't any out there.

In the 5th year, I will be thinking about moving to Bristol depending on how my work is going. It will be easier for me to get to clients further up the country and I will be able to work closer to London as I want to be able to exhibit my work there one day. Moving to Bristol can also create a broader client base.

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