Saturday 12 May 2012

Artists statement

I am interested in photography because it is a way of getting my ideas cross through a different medium. I enjoy working with people and the landscape, I think that they are both quite different subjects to work with and I like to challenge myself to do new things and experiment with new subjects. Out of the two subject choices I prefer to work with Landscapes as they can be easier to work with. I think that landscapes can be photographed in a documentary style and artistically, which is what I like to experiment with.

I am also interested in learning about underwater photography as I want to go into it as a practice. I think that the idea of photographing subjects in a way that can create the illusion of another world is interesting, as a photographer I want to learn how to manipulate the lighting and how the water creates different textures for example shooting a model in a long dress, the water can make the model seem like she is floating in space. I also want to shoot the coral reefs to show how pollution has changed and damaged them; I want to show animals in their natural habitat that people wouldn’t normally get to see.

As a photographer I am confident in my ideas and want to show them to people. I am confident with working with landscapes and want to try working at events to challenge myself more, in the way of working with people and doing something different.

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