Saturday 22 March 2014

Becoming an official National Trust Volunteer

After the shoot of Wembury point I had to wait a while to see if I would be taken on as a volunteer. After waiting for the feedback I went to another interview to discuss the paperwork that I had to go through such as claiming back travel expenses and how to keep track of my hours that I have worked. The next assignment that I have been given which is to shoot Wembury woods and the walk that goes through it, experimenting with different viewpoints in the woods and silhouettes that can create interesting photographs.

I am looking forward to this assignment as I haven't been to Wembury woods before and will enjoy seeing a new place. I enjoy photographing nature and the land in a way that show how it is without mans intervention. The main interests I have for this assignment are using silhouettes of the trees to make interesting shapes, the way that the path flows through the woods and how the landscape looks without mans intervention.

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