Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Uncanny

Researching into the uncanny and how it is represented within photography has helped to influence my most resent ideas, as I have been able to give my images a bit more meaning and make them more interesting. First reading Freud's theory of the Uncanny to get an understanding of what it means, to then look into how it's shown in different mediums focusing on how it is seen in photography to influence my work.

Sigmund Freud

I will also be looking at other key texts that discuss the uncanny, as there are different opinions on the subject and it is interpreted in different ways depending on the subject matter and the way that the image may have been made. For my work I am looking at places which have a myth/legend behind it which can influence how I will shoot the chosen area. By throwing a light object that can take many shapes such as a pillow case or a scarf I will be creating uncanny images this way, by having the pillow case/scarf as the main focus and the building as the backdrop.