Tuesday 10 December 2013

Lydford castle

On arrival to Lydford castle I didn't think much of it, in comparison to the stereotypical ideal of castles it is very small and hidden. I decided to shoot the outside of the castle first as I was very nervous once inside and felt that once I had started taking pictures outside, I would be more confident in exploring the interior to get stronger images.

Floating Pillow, Lydford Castle, Lydford

Reflecting on Freud's theory of the uncanny, I wanted to create interesting images in which it was clear that I had intervened. I want to show the main structure of the castle as a background feature, whilst still being a large part in the image. There is a strong contrast between the object and it's surroundings which draw the viewer in and break the image up which makes it more interesting.

  Hidden Pillow, Lydford castle, Lydford

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Michael Andrew's 5th Annual International Photo Contest

For this contest I have also entered the image of High Tor, this image is for the landscape category as I want my landscape images to be seen by people so that I can improve my network and be known as a landscape photographer.

The image stands out as it isn't one that you can easily get, through editing and exploring different areas I was able to create this image alongside others that link together.

Entering A New Competition

After looking into what competitions are available in at this moment in time, I decided to enter the Print Space's competition 'Give Us Your Best Shot' which is open to everyone with no specific theme. This meant that I could choose any image that I preferred to show my work.

View From High Tor, Dartmoor

I have chosen this image that I took whilst exploring Dartmoor for a previous project, which involved researching into prehistoric and Iron Age areas in Dartmoor.